Stage 6: Load Account Balances

Video Tutorial

  1. Load the default account’s ETH and Token balances, completing the loadAccountBalances function
  • Add tokenBalance to the state, line 24
tokenBalance: 0,
  • Add ethBalance to the state, line 23
ethBalance: 0,


This code below must be placed within the loadAccountBalances function


// Load the accounts token and ether balances.
async loadAccountBalances(account) {
  const balance = await this.state.token.balanceOf(account);
  this.setState({ tokenBalance: balance.toNumber() });

  const ethBalance = await this.web3.eth.getBalance(account);
  this.setState({ ethBalance: ethBalance });
  • Set the token balance, line 64-65

    const balance = await this.state.token.balanceOf(account);
    this.setState({ tokenBalance: balance.toNumber() });
  • Set the eth balance, line 67-68

    const ethBalance = await this.web3.eth.getBalance(account);
    this.setState({ ethBalance: ethBalance });
  • Call the loadAccountBalances function when the page initially renders within the componentDidMount function, line 49



    This code must be placed in the componentDidMount function after the token object has been created.


    async componentDidMount() {
      // Create a web3 connection
      this.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
      this.web3.version.getNetwork(async (err, netId) => {
        const tokenAddress = tokenArtifacts.networks[netId].address;
        const token = this.web3.eth.contract(tokenArtifacts.abi).at(tokenAddress);
        this.setState({ token });
        // Set token symbol below
        const tokenSymbol = await token.symbol();
        this.setState({ tokenSymbol });
        // Set wei / token rate below
        const rate = await token.rate();
        this.setState({ rate: rate.toNumber() });
  • Also load the balances whenever a new account is selected in the dropdown, place this line within the handleDropDownChange function, line 94

    • i.e.
    handleDropDownChange = (event, index, defaultAccount) => {
      this.setState({ defaultAccount });
  1. View the default account balances and token information in your browser!