Stage 3: Token Interface¶

Now you will connect your web application to your newly created Token contract!

Video Tutorial


Now you should transition back to your Sublime text editor to begin editing your application code.

All of the application development will take place within the src/App.js file.

Please begin by opening this file which may be done so simply by double-clicking on it in the left file tree under the src folder.

Note you may also close the other files you may still have open test_buy.js or 2_deploy_contracts.js.

Time to start wiring it up!

  1. Import the web3 library, src/app.js #line 5
import Web3 from 'web3';
  1. Import the token build artifacts into the application, app.js#line 14
import tokenArtifacts from './build/contracts/Token.json';
  1. Create a web3 connection to the local Ethereum node(ganache), app.js#line 26
this.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
  1. Detect the current network id that is connected, app.js#line 28-30


This needs to be after the this.web3 = ... line above and within the componentDidMount(){} function

  • i.e.

    async componentDidMount() {
      this.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8545"));
      this.web3.version.getNetwork(async (err, netId) => {
this.web3.version.getNetwork(async (err, netId) => {

  1. Extract the recently deploy token address from the build artifacts, app.js#line 29


This must be placed within the callback of the above getNetwork function call where netId is available!


this.web3.version.getNetwork(async (err, netId) => {
  const tokenAddress = tokenArtifacts.networks[netId].address;
const tokenAddress = tokenArtifacts.networks[netId].address;
  1. Create a client side reference to the contract and save it in the application’s state, app.js#line 30-32


This must be placed within the callback of the above getNetwork function call where netId is available!


this.web3.version.getNetwork(async (err, netId) => {
  const tokenAddress = tokenArtifacts.networks[netId].address;
  const token = this.web3.eth.contract(tokenArtifacts.abi).at(tokenAddress);
  this.setState({ token });
const token = this.web3.eth.contract(tokenArtifacts.abi).at(tokenAddress);
this.setState({ token });
  1. Refresh your chrome browser and open up the developer console

This can be accomplished by right-clicking anywhere in the chrome browser and in the dropdown selecting inspect or inspect element or by utilizing the shortcut: ctrl+shift+i.

View in the developer console the token instance is now present

  • Example output:
Contract {_eth: Eth, transactionHash: null, address: "0xd58c6b5e848d70fd94693a370045968c0bc762a7", abi: Array[20]}